Monday 31 October 2016

Reply by Ln Anbalaya Mani for Constitutional Complaint

 Dear Lion MKCee, at the outset I thank you for forwarding the constitutional complaint preferred by you and another eminent lion Vallaban against the  Mid term Conference held during the then DG Lion Lakshmi's tenure. I must place on record the untiring efforts both of you put in for a good cause. Though I was not directly involved at that time I still remember the colossal damage conferred on the reputation of the Dist.324 A!  by Lion Lakshmi thru that conference conspired by her.

     Grasping why this happened- and its wider consequences- is crucial to identifying the leaders who were thrusted upon us to lead. Though I was relatively a junior lion at that time I felt that silence or gentle protestations would not suffice. Hence wrote back to the Lion who contested unsuccessfully from Ponmanam for the post of VDG vehemently opposing the move of redistricting without any  valid reason which expectedly exposed the unethical ways and means to exploit the situation  to own an another comfortable playground to conquer. That was the maximum  that I could do at that point of time. 
    What holds our attention here is how Madam Lakshmi turned out to be a maximalist and lacked values  to be the DG having committed blunders of that magnitude and how she was spared to go scot free without being censured or removed which would have been a deterrent lesson to those who think of even attempting to such illegal and illegitimate activities to the detrimental of the District's reputation.

    Mostly they saw their positions as an opportunity to disburse patronage and feather their own nests and allowed the image of the District to be dragged through the mud.  I am also not able to digest the oafish and awkward position of the PDGs who had miserably fallen prey to the evil designs of the then DG with much disregard to the C& B of the International and the District.

    Mavens, you both, have systematically and sincerely demolished the bulwark of the then DG in your own way.  Congratulations Crusaders! 

    The so-called groups in our District are afraid of open and honest ideological debates because they believe that any new idea could lead to loss of vote banks!  Since there is no space for debate and dialogue, any one who questions is seen as a Rebel. 

    With regards, 

    Anbalaya Mani

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