Thursday 14 July 2016

Mail to ID Lion K.Dhanabalan and MCC Lion G.M.Balaji Rathnam by Ln MKC Narayana

from:Narayanan Chakaravarthy<>
to:"K. DHANABALAN" <>,
Balaji Rathnam <>
cc:Sankaran M <>,
"Tj.George Tj" <>,
Saroja Raman <>,
Lakshmipathi Reddy <>,
L K S Syed Ahamed <>,
Mohan Kumar <>,
Natesa Sivananda Sankar <>,
Radhika Natarajan <>,
Shanth Kumar <>,
Govingdasamy Thangaraj <>,
lakshmi ks <>,
"Ln.Ravichandran R R" <>,
"" <>,
"Ramamurthy T.A.S" <>,
"" <>,
Sunder VSB <>,
"" <>,
babaiks <>,
Lion RC 09-10 Ghulam <>
date:15 July 2016 at 06:24
subject:Joint Felicitation Meeting

Dear ID Lion K.Dhanabalan and MCC Lion G.M.Balaji Rathnam,

I congratulate and compliment both of you for your elevation to the coveted position by winning the elections conducted at the respective levels.

I was not able to attend the Felicitation Meeting organised, on Thursday, the 14th July, 2016 at Hotel Raddison Blu, jointly by the four lions districts in Chennai viz.District 324 A1, District 324 A5, District 324 A6 and District 324 A8 and hence this mail.

I am surprised to note that the said meeting was organised to felicitate not only you two elected leaders but also to felicitate PID Lion N.S.Sankar on his nomination as LCIF Trustee.

Including a lion leader on his attaining a nominated position undermines the importance of felicitation to the elected leaders.  

I have never heard of a felicitation meeting arranged for a nominated post anywhere at least in our Multiple District 324.

The pride of our Multiple Lion G.Ramasamy completed his tenure as the LCIF Trustee not once but twice and I do not remember we have ever organised a meeting to felicitate him. He neither wanted such things for his position achieved on nomination.

I am proud to be a part of District 324 A1 whose members are large in number yesterday than any other district.  You could have seen so many Region and Zone Chairpersons (2015-2016) and so many members of LC Chepauk enthusiastically participating in the feliciation meeting to honour both of you (especially our Great Leader Lion G.M.Balaji Rathnam who got elected defeating the efforts of so many multiple leaders).

Such a gathering is misused to project PMCC Lion R.Sampath of District 324 A5 as the prospective International Director by PID Lion K.G.Ramakrishnamurthy and a few others which is condemnable.  This is not a platform to do so.  Especially when a large gathering of 324 A1 members are there. This we consider as pledging the interest of our District 324 A1 by some of our own leaders who thinks they are part of multiple leadership.

Lions District 324 A1 always favoured only its own candidate with lions share of votes whenever any candidate contested for ID Elections (be it Lion N.S.Sankar or Lion T.A.S.Ramamurthy). 

Playing Gang Member (Sorry, is it Team Member?) card does not work in our District.  A1 is A1 in preferring our own leaders for elevation.  Both of you know the history of our District very well.

I once again congratulate and compliment both of you for your elevation to the coveted position by winning the elections conducted at the respective levels.
Thanks & Regards

Lion M.K.Ce.Naaraayana
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