Monday 31 October 2016

True & Bold Lions

Many of you may be aware of a WhatsApp group called True & Bold Lions. Recently a handful of members claiming to be True & Bold Lions (I will refer to them as ‘Trubles’ hereafter for the sake of brevity) have been spreading lies in a cowardly manner, in total contrast to anything resembling truth or boldness! The principal Trubles have also formed a mutual admiration group where they are all self-proclaimed (and mutually acclaimed) heroes, martyrs et cetera!! Ironically, these heroes/ martyrs have no shame in functioning as obedient puppets of others, whether in parroting their lies or in supporting their dishonest activities!

            In order to expose the duplicity of these Trubles, I would like to point out a few facts.

            1) One of the principal Trubles projects himself as a hero and a martyr by claiming that he is fighting for others and has sacrificed for them. But what is the Truth here?

            The truth is that he has indulged in goondagiri at the Lions Central Office, filed false complaints, and been thrown out of the District Cabinet for such shameful activities after refusing to resign gracefully. But he claims this to be his sacrifice for a public cause, and his associates hail him for his “heroism”!

            Let us examine what his claim is based upon. He admits that he went to the Central Office to prevent a meeting of the Trustees of District 324 A1 Lions Foundation. Those who hail him as a hero should first ask him what authority he had to indulge in such action. There was no court order at that time against holding a meeting of Trustees; even if such an order had been there he had no mandate to enforce it. Hence his admission that he barged into the Central Office to prevent a meeting of Trustees proves that he was trespassing with an intention to intimidate.

            What he did at the Central Office is outrageous. He went into the Conference Room where a meeting totally unconnected with the Foundation was going on, created a disturbance and demanded that no meeting should take place. When the DG called him and said that no Foundation meeting was going on, this “hero” insisted that he will sit in on whatever meeting was taking place! He was then asked to leave.

            Our “hero” then called the police, claiming later that he did so to protect himself (he must have felt that the place was filled with villains out to harm his true & bold self!!). Apparently the police found that he did not need any “protection” and went away. This left our “hero” frustrated, so he went to the police station and filed baseless complaints against three Lions who were then summoned to the police station. When it was found that his complaint was baseless, our “hero” withdrew the complaint but claimed that he did so only at the request of Ln. N.S Sankar and Ln Ghulam Hussain.

            So, our hero’s claim to be a hero rests on a) trespass, b) attempted intimidation, and c) foisting false complaints and shamefully withdrawing them.

            Whether any of these “achievements” make him a hero is left to you to judge!!

            2) The same Truble (now a self-styled hero) was then pulled up by the District Administration for his unbecoming conduct and asked to resign from the Cabinet. He refused and was removed from the District Cabinet. Thereupon, he is promptly hailed as a “martyr” by his fellow Trubles!

            Whether indulging in unseemly conduct and refusing to make amends makes this Truble a martyr is for you to judge!!

            3) The same Truble had earlier filed a Court case against the Foundation but claimed that he did so only to purify the Foundation and not to prevent its functioning. He appears to have undertaken this as a collusive exercise with the Managing Trustee in the hope that the two of them could manipulate the case in a way that he will win it almost uncontested. But when other Trustees decided to get impleaded in the case to expose this, our hero-cum-martyr changed his tune! He now proclaims “By the time I file counters upon counter and adjournments upon adjournments and impleading petitions upon impleading petitions……. the so called Board of Trustees for this year will be over”, and he is talking about a Receiver being appointed for all the Trusts running or started with the funds given to Trusts etc.

            Whether this “hero-cum-martyr” is truthful in his statements, whether he is truthful in his actions, is a matter left to your judgement!

            4) We have in our District a “truly brave” Lion whose hallmark is jealousy and whose favourite occupation is promoting himself! He is a man of great ability but his ability is dwarfed by his deviousness and selfishness. As a result he commands little respect in spite of having held high offices and positions. He just cannot tolerate anybody else being held in high esteem. He specializes in badmouthing all such people in private though he is too cunning to do so in public. He therefore employs others to do his dirty work. Our “hero-cum-martyr” and some other Trubles are only too willing to act as his mouthpieces.

            So these Trubles are happily spreading false allegations about others, including one of the finest Lions of our District who has won international recognition for our District both in Lionistic and governmental circles through his pioneering efforts in promoting voluntary blood donation and helping millions of people in need. In their eagerness to act as his-master’s-voices they don’t even bother to check whether what they are asked to say is true or not. Just one example will suffice to drive this point home. One of the Trubles has claimed that the Dialysis Centre at Tiruvanmiyur charges more than Rs. 1000/- per dialysis. If this Truble had only bothered to verify facts instead of reproducing whatever his “advisor” wrote for him, he would not have been caught in a lie! 

            Whether indulging in lies like this deserves to be called “true & bold” is left to your judgement!

            5) One characteristic that marks these Trubles is their self-serving unwillingness to recognise truth or to question dishonesty. Thus they are only too ready to pretend to be ignorant of activities like false reporting, bogus membership, bogus vote bank etc. At the same time they are “heroic” in putting questions to others based on purely fabricated allegations.

            Whether such a self-serving attitude makes them “true & bold” or the opposite is left to your judgement!

            6) In a ludicrous demonstration, one of these Trubles attended a District Cabinet meeting sporting a black badge which he claims was in protest against what is happening in the Foundation. Funnily enough, he does not say anything about it in the cabinet meeting but posts a selfie with the black badge in the WhatsApp group. Obviously his intention was to boast in the group but without being noticed in the cabinet meeting. This antic backfired when he was pulled up by the District Governor for unseemly conduct and the Truble had to apologise for his conduct to avoid being expelled from the cabinet meeting.

            But what is funnier still is the fact that this Truble was hailed as a “hero” by fellow Trubles in his group!

            In conclusion, I must say that I have dwelt enough upon the shameless activities of these self-styled “heroes and martyrs” who certainly do not deserve to be called either True or Bold.

            On the other hand, in the context of what is happening in the Foundation I can certainly say that most of the Trustees have been True to their responsibility to recognize that things are not being done properly, and have been Bold enough to take corrective steps. But you be the judge of this!

Ln. V. Vallabhan,
Member, LC of Madras Greater

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