Monday 31 October 2016

Constitution & Bye Laws of the Lions clubs International, Multiple and District

Narayanan Chakaravarthy <> to Amar, Andal, Arunkumar, KB, Ramachandran, BALAKKRISHNAN, mabcon, ganesh, Tj.George, Gomathi, Gopal, Ml, Unique, Shanthi, kumar, kumar2005, ANBLY, Mothiram, Muralidharan, nagarajan4177, Narayana, narayanan, Narayanan, rajanselvi, Natesan

On perusing the Constitution & Bye Laws of the International, Multiple and District, I find that the following provisions deal with the District Cabinet:- Article VIII Section 6 and Article X Section 2 (g) of the International Bye Laws deal with the District Cabinet. Article VIII Section 2 of the Multiple District 324 Constitution, Article V Section 1 and Artcile VIII Section 7 of the Multiple District 324 Bye Laws deal with the District Cabinet.  (As I do not have the latest Multiple 324 C & B, the above referred provisions are as per MD 324 C & B revised upto June, 2013) Article VII Section 3 of the District 324 A1 Constitution and Article II Section7 of the District 324 A1 Bye Laws deal with the District Cabinet. None of the aforesaid provisions deal with the size of the cabinet. Having the small size of the cabinet is only the suggestions from the intelligentia of the district.  It was considered to be included in the District Policy Manual once in 1999 and another time in 2011.  Both the times by the influence of the incoming Vice District Governors supported by a few Past District Governors, the efforts to bring in the Board Policy Manual was defeated in our District.

This is for your information.

Thanks & Regards
Lion M.K.Ce.Naaraayana Admin - C & B Lions 324 A1

Mani kannaiyan

20 Jul
to NarayananAmarAndalArunkumarKBRamachandranBALAKKRISHNANmabconganeshTj.GeorgeGomathiGopalMlUniqueShanthikumarkumar2005MothiramMuralidharannagarajan4177NarayananarayananNarayananrajanselviNatesan
Dear lion MKCee thanks for sharing the various provisions of the C&B of International, Multiple and Dist. As rightly said the size of the Cabinet and induction of its officers are within the discretion of the DG. We have no say -on this issue. We can impress upon the DG to bring out a latest Policy Manual and a compendium of C&B of Intl,Multiple n Dist.  Regards. Lion Anbalaya Mani

On Wed, 20 Jul, 2016 at 7:36, Narayanan Chakaravarthy

Rajendran Raghavan

20 Jul
to kannaiyanmaniNarayananAmarAndalArunkumarKBRamachandranBALAKKRISHNANmabconganeshTj.GeorgeGomathiGopalMlUniqueShanthikumarkumar2005MothiramMuralidharannagarajan4177NarayananarayananNarayananrajanselvi
Good update on the position . Others would appreciate .

As regards the District Cabinet, the Position of District Chairperson is to be part of the District Governor towards activities , this is the first important role and further the other important role is to be part of the administration which includes discussion, deliberation and voting of the matters and help the District to better functioning .  I am using the word Better Functioning as we are a Service Oriented Organisation and not just any other organisation, where decision is by Rule bound and strict manner.

Thus to aid the activities the DG seeks DCs and more the number - more the activities and more funds and more people to aid.

So it could be welcome.

-Rajendran Raghavan
Advocate - (Madras Law College -1991 Batch)  
Madras High Court

Reply by Ln Anbalaya Mani for Constitutional Complaint

 Dear Lion MKCee, at the outset I thank you for forwarding the constitutional complaint preferred by you and another eminent lion Vallaban against the  Mid term Conference held during the then DG Lion Lakshmi's tenure. I must place on record the untiring efforts both of you put in for a good cause. Though I was not directly involved at that time I still remember the colossal damage conferred on the reputation of the Dist.324 A!  by Lion Lakshmi thru that conference conspired by her.

     Grasping why this happened- and its wider consequences- is crucial to identifying the leaders who were thrusted upon us to lead. Though I was relatively a junior lion at that time I felt that silence or gentle protestations would not suffice. Hence wrote back to the Lion who contested unsuccessfully from Ponmanam for the post of VDG vehemently opposing the move of redistricting without any  valid reason which expectedly exposed the unethical ways and means to exploit the situation  to own an another comfortable playground to conquer. That was the maximum  that I could do at that point of time. 
    What holds our attention here is how Madam Lakshmi turned out to be a maximalist and lacked values  to be the DG having committed blunders of that magnitude and how she was spared to go scot free without being censured or removed which would have been a deterrent lesson to those who think of even attempting to such illegal and illegitimate activities to the detrimental of the District's reputation.

    Mostly they saw their positions as an opportunity to disburse patronage and feather their own nests and allowed the image of the District to be dragged through the mud.  I am also not able to digest the oafish and awkward position of the PDGs who had miserably fallen prey to the evil designs of the then DG with much disregard to the C& B of the International and the District.

    Mavens, you both, have systematically and sincerely demolished the bulwark of the then DG in your own way.  Congratulations Crusaders! 

    The so-called groups in our District are afraid of open and honest ideological debates because they believe that any new idea could lead to loss of vote banks!  Since there is no space for debate and dialogue, any one who questions is seen as a Rebel. 

    With regards, 

    Anbalaya Mani

Constitutional complaint - 2009 - Lions District 324A1

Dear Friends, 

If you have patience to read the entire complaint, it not gives you an idea about what transpired during the Mid Term Conference, it will also makes you to know about the part of the history about our District. More than anything else, your knowledge on constitutional matters will get widened.  Hence despite the length of the matter, Lion Vallabhan and myself do not mind sharing this treasure of knowledge & information with you all.

Thanks & Regards

Lion M.K.Ce.Naaraayana
Admin, C & B Lions 324 A1

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Vallabhan V <>
Date: Sun, Aug 14, 2016 at 10:09 AM
Subject: Constitutional complaint - 2009
To: Narayanan Chakaravarthy <>

Pl. see attachment.


True & Bold Lions

Many of you may be aware of a WhatsApp group called True & Bold Lions. Recently a handful of members claiming to be True & Bold Lions (I will refer to them as ‘Trubles’ hereafter for the sake of brevity) have been spreading lies in a cowardly manner, in total contrast to anything resembling truth or boldness! The principal Trubles have also formed a mutual admiration group where they are all self-proclaimed (and mutually acclaimed) heroes, martyrs et cetera!! Ironically, these heroes/ martyrs have no shame in functioning as obedient puppets of others, whether in parroting their lies or in supporting their dishonest activities!

            In order to expose the duplicity of these Trubles, I would like to point out a few facts.

            1) One of the principal Trubles projects himself as a hero and a martyr by claiming that he is fighting for others and has sacrificed for them. But what is the Truth here?

            The truth is that he has indulged in goondagiri at the Lions Central Office, filed false complaints, and been thrown out of the District Cabinet for such shameful activities after refusing to resign gracefully. But he claims this to be his sacrifice for a public cause, and his associates hail him for his “heroism”!

            Let us examine what his claim is based upon. He admits that he went to the Central Office to prevent a meeting of the Trustees of District 324 A1 Lions Foundation. Those who hail him as a hero should first ask him what authority he had to indulge in such action. There was no court order at that time against holding a meeting of Trustees; even if such an order had been there he had no mandate to enforce it. Hence his admission that he barged into the Central Office to prevent a meeting of Trustees proves that he was trespassing with an intention to intimidate.

            What he did at the Central Office is outrageous. He went into the Conference Room where a meeting totally unconnected with the Foundation was going on, created a disturbance and demanded that no meeting should take place. When the DG called him and said that no Foundation meeting was going on, this “hero” insisted that he will sit in on whatever meeting was taking place! He was then asked to leave.

            Our “hero” then called the police, claiming later that he did so to protect himself (he must have felt that the place was filled with villains out to harm his true & bold self!!). Apparently the police found that he did not need any “protection” and went away. This left our “hero” frustrated, so he went to the police station and filed baseless complaints against three Lions who were then summoned to the police station. When it was found that his complaint was baseless, our “hero” withdrew the complaint but claimed that he did so only at the request of Ln. N.S Sankar and Ln Ghulam Hussain.

            So, our hero’s claim to be a hero rests on a) trespass, b) attempted intimidation, and c) foisting false complaints and shamefully withdrawing them.

            Whether any of these “achievements” make him a hero is left to you to judge!!

            2) The same Truble (now a self-styled hero) was then pulled up by the District Administration for his unbecoming conduct and asked to resign from the Cabinet. He refused and was removed from the District Cabinet. Thereupon, he is promptly hailed as a “martyr” by his fellow Trubles!

            Whether indulging in unseemly conduct and refusing to make amends makes this Truble a martyr is for you to judge!!

            3) The same Truble had earlier filed a Court case against the Foundation but claimed that he did so only to purify the Foundation and not to prevent its functioning. He appears to have undertaken this as a collusive exercise with the Managing Trustee in the hope that the two of them could manipulate the case in a way that he will win it almost uncontested. But when other Trustees decided to get impleaded in the case to expose this, our hero-cum-martyr changed his tune! He now proclaims “By the time I file counters upon counter and adjournments upon adjournments and impleading petitions upon impleading petitions……. the so called Board of Trustees for this year will be over”, and he is talking about a Receiver being appointed for all the Trusts running or started with the funds given to Trusts etc.

            Whether this “hero-cum-martyr” is truthful in his statements, whether he is truthful in his actions, is a matter left to your judgement!

            4) We have in our District a “truly brave” Lion whose hallmark is jealousy and whose favourite occupation is promoting himself! He is a man of great ability but his ability is dwarfed by his deviousness and selfishness. As a result he commands little respect in spite of having held high offices and positions. He just cannot tolerate anybody else being held in high esteem. He specializes in badmouthing all such people in private though he is too cunning to do so in public. He therefore employs others to do his dirty work. Our “hero-cum-martyr” and some other Trubles are only too willing to act as his mouthpieces.

            So these Trubles are happily spreading false allegations about others, including one of the finest Lions of our District who has won international recognition for our District both in Lionistic and governmental circles through his pioneering efforts in promoting voluntary blood donation and helping millions of people in need. In their eagerness to act as his-master’s-voices they don’t even bother to check whether what they are asked to say is true or not. Just one example will suffice to drive this point home. One of the Trubles has claimed that the Dialysis Centre at Tiruvanmiyur charges more than Rs. 1000/- per dialysis. If this Truble had only bothered to verify facts instead of reproducing whatever his “advisor” wrote for him, he would not have been caught in a lie! 

            Whether indulging in lies like this deserves to be called “true & bold” is left to your judgement!

            5) One characteristic that marks these Trubles is their self-serving unwillingness to recognise truth or to question dishonesty. Thus they are only too ready to pretend to be ignorant of activities like false reporting, bogus membership, bogus vote bank etc. At the same time they are “heroic” in putting questions to others based on purely fabricated allegations.

            Whether such a self-serving attitude makes them “true & bold” or the opposite is left to your judgement!

            6) In a ludicrous demonstration, one of these Trubles attended a District Cabinet meeting sporting a black badge which he claims was in protest against what is happening in the Foundation. Funnily enough, he does not say anything about it in the cabinet meeting but posts a selfie with the black badge in the WhatsApp group. Obviously his intention was to boast in the group but without being noticed in the cabinet meeting. This antic backfired when he was pulled up by the District Governor for unseemly conduct and the Truble had to apologise for his conduct to avoid being expelled from the cabinet meeting.

            But what is funnier still is the fact that this Truble was hailed as a “hero” by fellow Trubles in his group!

            In conclusion, I must say that I have dwelt enough upon the shameless activities of these self-styled “heroes and martyrs” who certainly do not deserve to be called either True or Bold.

            On the other hand, in the context of what is happening in the Foundation I can certainly say that most of the Trustees have been True to their responsibility to recognize that things are not being done properly, and have been Bold enough to take corrective steps. But you be the judge of this!

Ln. V. Vallabhan,
Member, LC of Madras Greater

Thursday 14 July 2016

Mail to ID Lion K.Dhanabalan and MCC Lion G.M.Balaji Rathnam by Ln MKC Narayana

from:Narayanan Chakaravarthy<>
to:"K. DHANABALAN" <>,
Balaji Rathnam <>
cc:Sankaran M <>,
"Tj.George Tj" <>,
Saroja Raman <>,
Lakshmipathi Reddy <>,
L K S Syed Ahamed <>,
Mohan Kumar <>,
Natesa Sivananda Sankar <>,
Radhika Natarajan <>,
Shanth Kumar <>,
Govingdasamy Thangaraj <>,
lakshmi ks <>,
"Ln.Ravichandran R R" <>,
"" <>,
"Ramamurthy T.A.S" <>,
"" <>,
Sunder VSB <>,
"" <>,
babaiks <>,
Lion RC 09-10 Ghulam <>
date:15 July 2016 at 06:24
subject:Joint Felicitation Meeting

Dear ID Lion K.Dhanabalan and MCC Lion G.M.Balaji Rathnam,

I congratulate and compliment both of you for your elevation to the coveted position by winning the elections conducted at the respective levels.

I was not able to attend the Felicitation Meeting organised, on Thursday, the 14th July, 2016 at Hotel Raddison Blu, jointly by the four lions districts in Chennai viz.District 324 A1, District 324 A5, District 324 A6 and District 324 A8 and hence this mail.

I am surprised to note that the said meeting was organised to felicitate not only you two elected leaders but also to felicitate PID Lion N.S.Sankar on his nomination as LCIF Trustee.

Including a lion leader on his attaining a nominated position undermines the importance of felicitation to the elected leaders.  

I have never heard of a felicitation meeting arranged for a nominated post anywhere at least in our Multiple District 324.

The pride of our Multiple Lion G.Ramasamy completed his tenure as the LCIF Trustee not once but twice and I do not remember we have ever organised a meeting to felicitate him. He neither wanted such things for his position achieved on nomination.

I am proud to be a part of District 324 A1 whose members are large in number yesterday than any other district.  You could have seen so many Region and Zone Chairpersons (2015-2016) and so many members of LC Chepauk enthusiastically participating in the feliciation meeting to honour both of you (especially our Great Leader Lion G.M.Balaji Rathnam who got elected defeating the efforts of so many multiple leaders).

Such a gathering is misused to project PMCC Lion R.Sampath of District 324 A5 as the prospective International Director by PID Lion K.G.Ramakrishnamurthy and a few others which is condemnable.  This is not a platform to do so.  Especially when a large gathering of 324 A1 members are there. This we consider as pledging the interest of our District 324 A1 by some of our own leaders who thinks they are part of multiple leadership.

Lions District 324 A1 always favoured only its own candidate with lions share of votes whenever any candidate contested for ID Elections (be it Lion N.S.Sankar or Lion T.A.S.Ramamurthy). 

Playing Gang Member (Sorry, is it Team Member?) card does not work in our District.  A1 is A1 in preferring our own leaders for elevation.  Both of you know the history of our District very well.

I once again congratulate and compliment both of you for your elevation to the coveted position by winning the elections conducted at the respective levels.
Thanks & Regards

Lion M.K.Ce.Naaraayana
Inline images 1

Saturday 2 July 2016

Pledging the interest of our District

Normally when a new District Governor takes over, he will try to invite one or two PDGs from other Districts for the Leadership Schooling for RCs & ZCs or PSTs or DCs.  The rest of the faculties will be selected from Leaders mostly from our own District - either PDGs or senior lions from our District.

But during 2015-2016, the interest of the district has been totally pledged to the other districts in our Multiple as per the instructions from PID Lion K.G.Ramakrishna Murthy and our then ID Lion N.S.Sankar.  

For RCs ZCs Schooling PID Lion K.G.Ramakrishna Murthy, PMCC Lion R.Sampath, PDG Lion R.Mathanagopal and Lion S.Magesh were invited as faculties.

For PST Schooling PID Lion K.G.Ramakrishna Murthy, PMCC Lion R.Sampath, PDG Lion R.Mathanagopal, PDG Lion S.Magesh, PDG Lion K.E.Basker, PDG Lion T.Pandiarajan and PDG Lion K.Govind Raj were invited as faculties.

For DC Schooling, though there are no faculties from lions, PDG Lion K.E.Basker and DG from 324 B2 Lion Sadiq Basha were invited as special invitiees.

Even for PST forums, the PDG Lion S.T.Srinivasan, PMCC Lion R.Sampath & PDG Lion S.Mahesh were invited.  
In that process, all the knowledgeable and experienced PDGs & senior lions in our District were sidelined and were not given any importance at all.

Allowing other District Leaders to interfere in our District affairs and sidelining our own leaders - is it in the interest of the District as a whole?  It may be helpful in making Lion G.M.Balaji Rathnam as MCC from our District after a lapse of 17 years.  But is it good for the interest of our District?

Slowly the outsiders are crippling into our District by doing more club installations also.
The subject has got more impact than you think - it is not just giving opportunity to be faculties or installation officers to the leaders from other districts - it is denying the importance to our own people.  

Not only similar importance is not given to our leaders in other Districts, there are instigations from the Multiple Leadership not to invite us even as ordinary guests to the functions in other districts. More details I will share in the course of discussion.

Let us discuss thoroughly about this kind of partisan attitude by Multiple Leadership & without realising this our pledging the interest of our District.

Hence this as the topic 2 in C & B Lions 324 A1, I as the admin, initiate the discussion in our Whatsapp Group.

Thanks & Regards
Lion M.K.Ce.Naaraayana
Admin - C & B Lions 324 A1